About Bonnie - My Story
There was a time in my life when I was overweight and not healthy! I struggled with my weight for many years and although I had plenty of food, I seemed to be constantly hungry and too often had to deal with illness.
My quest for the perfect plan to lose weight and be attractive began as I tried all sorts of diets from the Brown Rice diet, the Grapefruit diet, and many more diet plans that worked for a while but then I gained the weight back. I thought I had to be on a diet forever and not eat the foods that others were enjoying. I was quite miserable.
My health continued to deteriorate. I had many common difficulties with my health that the TV advertises "remedies" for such as heart burn, digestive problems, aches and pains, shortness of breath, thyroid problems and lack of energy and others! I thought these were "normal" because I was getting "old." I was 23!
After a serious episode that landed me in the hospital for which I almost died, I decided to learn how to take care of myself the healthy way! I was introduced to Shaklee nutritional products. I got on their weight loss program which helped me to not only lose my weight... but I kept it off! I also found I had more energy and stamina to get me through the day and to stick to a good exercise program.
Now over 40 years later, I am still slim, athletic and healthy! I take no medications and do not have any of those aches and pains or health problems that I used to have! I enjoy being able to have the health and energy to keep up with my grandchildren!
Would you like to be healthy and active even when you are in your 60's? The time to start is now. I would like to share with you the principles I learned and to help you to develop healthy habits to become slim and healthy for life!
Take the "first step" today. Please feel free to Contact me for more information or to help customize a program for you based on your needs and budget.
There was a time in my life when I was overweight and not healthy! I struggled with my weight for many years and although I had plenty of food, I seemed to be constantly hungry and too often had to deal with illness.
My quest for the perfect plan to lose weight and be attractive began as I tried all sorts of diets from the Brown Rice diet, the Grapefruit diet, and many more diet plans that worked for a while but then I gained the weight back. I thought I had to be on a diet forever and not eat the foods that others were enjoying. I was quite miserable.
My health continued to deteriorate. I had many common difficulties with my health that the TV advertises "remedies" for such as heart burn, digestive problems, aches and pains, shortness of breath, thyroid problems and lack of energy and others! I thought these were "normal" because I was getting "old." I was 23!
After a serious episode that landed me in the hospital for which I almost died, I decided to learn how to take care of myself the healthy way! I was introduced to Shaklee nutritional products. I got on their weight loss program which helped me to not only lose my weight... but I kept it off! I also found I had more energy and stamina to get me through the day and to stick to a good exercise program.
Now over 40 years later, I am still slim, athletic and healthy! I take no medications and do not have any of those aches and pains or health problems that I used to have! I enjoy being able to have the health and energy to keep up with my grandchildren!
Would you like to be healthy and active even when you are in your 60's? The time to start is now. I would like to share with you the principles I learned and to help you to develop healthy habits to become slim and healthy for life!
Take the "first step" today. Please feel free to Contact me for more information or to help customize a program for you based on your needs and budget.