Did you wake up feeling good today? If not, would you like to radically change the way you feel?
What is the Prove It Challenge? We are looking for others who would like to take our basic nutritional program for 30 days and prove that our products work so that you "feel healthier, more energized, more focused."
Why 30 days? Because that is the average length of time it takes for your body to repair and recoup, although some will feel results even sooner.
Why is Shaklee making this offer? Because while other companies make claims about what their products can do, Shaklee can prove it!
1. Scientific Research proves it!
In the Landmark Study. researchers analyzed the effects long-term supplement use (those who took supplements for 25+ years.) Those who took Shaklee supplements showed significantly better overall health than those who took other brands or who just "ate right.." Here are some of the results 83% took no medicine, had lower risks of dementia, lower prevalence for diabetes, better cardiovascular health, and lower levels of C-reactive protein.
2. Athletes prove it!
Shaklee nutritional supplements have helped fuel over 100 Gold Medal Athletes, Astronauts Mark and Scott Kelly on the Space Station, and many other famous expeditions.
3. Over 65 years of long term customers have proved it!
Shaklee has already helped thousands of every day people have longer and healthier lives. I am one of them.
At one time in my life I was overweight, unhealthy, always tired, and almost died. When I heard that Shaklee claimed that their products would make me healthy, I acted on It by getting on a complete program and began to see some remarkable changes in my health and energy. Now over 40 years later and into my senior years, I continue to use only Shaklee. . I no longer have any health issues, I take no medications,,, I am healthy and energetic. (My Story)
What are the Prove It Challenge Products? Start with a 7-day Cleanse (this is optional, but worth doing) then take the basic nutrition program - this is a 30-day supply.
Life Shake drink mix and Vitallizer (a daily strip of essential vitamins.)
Shaklee is offering a special price of $169 on the Life Shake and Vitalizer (30 day supply), a FREE 7-day Cleanse kit, FREE shipping, and FREE MEMBERSHIP (so you can continue to save 15% on any future orders.)
DO YOU ACCEPT THE CHALLENGE to feel radically healthier and energetic in 30 days? Join us
We will love to hear your story in 30 days!