Here are a few short questions to help you measure your
Vitality Score
Overall on a consistent basis, rate yourself on the following statements.
5 - always true, 4 - usually, 3 - sometimes, 2 - seldom, 1 - never or don’t know
_____ 1. I am at my ideal weight.
_____ 2. I have had no colds or flu in the past year.
_____ 3. I do not suffer from heartburn, acid indigestion, constipation, or
_____ 4. My cholesterol and blood pressure are at a healthy level.
_____ 5. I get a good night’s rest and wake up refreshed.
_____ 6. I have great energy to get through my day.
_____ 7. I am able to exercise on a regular basis without feeling drained.
_____ 8. I keep a positive, energetic attitude to face my day.
_____ 9. I take no medications or over-the-counter medicines.
_____ 10. I am looking forward to a long and healthy life.
__________ Total your score*
46-50 = Great job! You are on the right track and are feeling healthy and energetic!
36-45 = While you generally feel good, you may be able to feel better. Look for ways to modify your habits to more healthy ones on a consistent basis.
26-35 = You are probably not feeling well and could use some major changes.
Below 35=You may be at a serious point in your health and well-being.
*Use this score as a feedback tool.
What are a couple of “key take-aways” you got from taking this assessment?